Hiking and climbing in the hills can be exhilarating, challenging, and awe-inspiring. Doing it with fellow scouts is rewarding, promotes friendship, teamwork, and self-development. That's why in 2004, the Lincoln District Scouts Mountain Activity Team was established with the aim of promoting mountain activities throughout the Lincoln Scout District.
We achieve this in two ways:
1. Providing young people with the opportunity to go hillwalking, climbing, and mountain biking in locations such as the Peak District, Wales, and the Lake District.
2. Conducting climbing sessions, not only at the District Campsite in Sudbrooke, but also on indoor walls, for example, at The Showroom in Lincoln..
Most members of MAT are leaders and adults who want to share their skills and provide the young people of the Lincoln District with the same opportunities for adventures and experiences that they have enjoyed in the hills.
Click on the menu items to see what we do or get in touch to see what we can offer you.
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 522385
Part of The Scout Association
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 306101
Scout Information Centre
Gilwell Park
E4 7QW